Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Aviator...where are you going?

Puntino, who had the idea of an english blog, went away.
He learned the basic of blogging by the master and now he had his own Blog.

Good Luck Puntino.

"May the Force be with you"

[YodaGun] LOL

And now? wich is the destiny of Aviator Over The Sea?
It will survive.
I Got new ideas and project for my english blog.

Stay tuned ;)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

My last post

Hi guys

This is my last time that I post on this blog because the marriage between TopGun and me is over!
He is too possessive ! no I'm joking he is a great fiend who has led me in the Blog world and hosted my thoughts here.
From now on my window on the blog world will be Switching my mind and I hope whoever you are sometime you take a look at it.
Thank you again, Top!


Monday, January 7, 2008

Leonardo da Vinci's Maxim

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Leonardo da Vinci"

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Episode III: Learning a foreign language by Dave's ESL Cafè

By TopGun

In my first Year at University there was a good English teacher.
His name was Roy Boardman.

I liked his way to do.
He often used new media and innovative methods to teach English.
One of these was, obviously, online resources.

He gave us a list of links.
One of these was Dave's ESL Cafe.

Dave's ESL Cafè is "a meeting place for ESL teachers and students".
ESL means English as Second Language if you don't knew this.

It contains a lot of useful links, didactic materials,podcasts,forum links and a good frequented chatroom.
In Dave's ESL Cafè chatroom you can practice English with beginners as you are, and ask for help from ESL teachers.

There is only one thing to do.
Try it and let me know what you think about.

See you Fellows ;)

I thank guusebumps for his corrections.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

An old board game...

By Puntino

I don't like playing cards very much, I don't know games like poker but only some easy ones I learnt when I was a child (in my childhood I used to play cards with my maternal grandfather).
This year, I played, after a very long time, an old board game called Hero Quest, it was like coming back to my past when I played it with my friends.
I found this kind of games appealing and a funny way of spending your free time, unfortunately now I haven't got any free time to spend on it.

I can't forget the pleasure of choosing your plastic miniature (dwarf, elf,..) with their eye catching
shape, challenging the "game master" and the sound of rolling dices.
I think this kind of games are much better than playing alone against a stupid and motionless machine like a Pc. If a day I have some sons I will encourage them to play board games with real dices and touchable challengers. What do you think about?

Thank you Zsofia for her corrections

Friday, January 4, 2008

Dump? No, thank you

By Puntino

Napoli has been facing a dirty and demeaning situation since last summer, I'm speaking about the rubbish spread everywhere due to the dumps lack.
The emergency has become so strong that the European Commission has alerted Italian government to possible fines if Naples will not get out of its rubbish.
At the moment the Campania region government (whose Naples is the capital city) is looking for places where to build a temporal dump, and as you can imagine the people who live there refuse the building of any dump even for a short time, and I think they are right because we need an effective solution, we mustn't put it off anymore.
In the meanwhile the rubbish heaps grow day by day and the people frustrated by unbearable stench have got to torching the rubbish pile.

Who is responsible for this upset situation?

The mayor of Naples, Rosa Russo Iervolino, says I haven't the power to sort out this problem and pass the ball to her friend and region president Antonio Bassolino who has been saying nothing, Where is Antonio ?
I read some articles (mostly by BBC journalist) and no one of them mention the word criminal organization.
Behind all, there is the criminal organization's paw which, for a longer time , has taken over the rubbish collection system.
An example in Naples there was a dismissed petrol station whose fuel cisterns were completely
full of rubbish, it isn't a fantasy story.
I'm laughing and crying at the same time...In the rest of the world the people are discussing "the going in green"... what a shame

Why this Blog?

"I opened this Blog,
the English version of Aviatore Sopra Il Mare,

to improve my English writing skills according with my friend Puntino.
Now he has his own Blog but the target remain the same.
Improve my English."
