Monday, December 10, 2007

Italian Television vs Swedish Television

I like to surf around the web.
I love it!

One of these days I found an interesting blog, Stellan Kinberg.
It is an interesting blog.

Stellan lived for many years in Italy and now he has this fantastic blog about Italy, seen from the point of view of an Italian\Swedish person.

Surfing this blog I found out an interesting post about a show broadcasted on Swedish Televison, Solens mat.
I don't know what Solens mat means in Swedish but I love that program.

Central themes of this program are Italian food and Italian cooking.
A journey in the Italian traditions across traditional small Italian "comuni".
Solens mat leads us through marvellous countryside showing the real Italian tradition.
A time travel in the history and in the present too.

You can watch Solens mat online.
it is simple bcause the 90% of the dialogues are in Italian with Swedish subtitles.

I hope you like it. I like it so much. Solens mat lets me know how much Swedish people love Italy and Italian tradition.
I'm really proud of that.
(I hope Swedish are proud of my love for Sweden too :p).

Why "Rai" ,the Italian Television, doesn't produce a show about Sweden???


Thanks to Bondola for supervision


Anonymous said...

Ehi che sorpresa. Sono contento che il mio blog ti sia utile e che in questo caso ti sono piaciuti i programmi di Solens Mat (Il cibo del sole). Ci sono diversi svedesi che col passare degli anni si sono trasferiti permanentemente in Italia. Per darti un'idea, non so sei hai presente i calciatori svedesi di molti anni fa? Vedi per esempio

TopGun said...

Liedholm was a Mith!

It's so strange the life.
you say there are many Swedish who wanna live in Italy.

But I think there are so many Italians dreaming of Sweden.

Isn't it Puntino?

thanks for your comment stellan.
I like very much your Blog!

see you :)

Why this Blog?

"I opened this Blog,
the English version of Aviatore Sopra Il Mare,

to improve my English writing skills according with my friend Puntino.
Now he has his own Blog but the target remain the same.
Improve my English."
