Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sweden in the top ten of HDI (Human Development Index)

In my daily search of news about Sweden, my love, I found an interesting post written by an Italian member of Community of Sweden, a popular and international community.

In his post Tommaso, wrote about different ways to give average statistics about distribution of richness and welfare.
Iceland it's at first place and Sweden "only" seventh.

But this is the classification of 2008.
Now Iceland is in a situation of economic collapse.

So, how reliable are these statistics?
IMHO they are enough reliable.

I have not the previous HDI data, but I think that when Iceland was not in the first 10, Sweden was.

Let me know about your opinion :)


Unknown said...

I don't like statistics. It's possible to mix the numbers as you like. What is interesting though is that Sweden is recovering from the crisis and is one of the first countries to do so.

TopGun said...

Johanna you said:

"What is interesting though is that Sweden is recovering from the crisis and is one of the first countries to do so."

you don't like statistics, but this is a fact!

what about Italy? know the answer :|

Unknown said...

Well, statistics you have to read with a "little bit of salt" as we say in Sweden. It's easy to make the facts looking better or worse than they are. Sweden is recovering beacuse the wealth is increasing for swedish families and companies are asking for more employees. Also thanks to a very good government, who has reserves to take from, the crise is easier to pass.

Italy: well, as you may know what Mr. Berlusconi said earlier this year: "Don't worry folks, Italy is one of the richest countries in the world and the crise doesn't effect us so badly". The family in the kitchen nodded in a positive way and I was terrified of the lack of knowledge.
Well, I think he didn't notice he was actually looking at his own account before saying these stupid words..:=)
Well, we all know that Italy is in deep shit, also by stopping salaries in all public offices. This of course doesn't effect the "important people", just the ordinary working people couple of levels below. Sicily has always been in a crise, so a intern or a global crise doesn't make big effetcs. ;=) People still think they can get 400.000 euro for thier apartments. I love to say: "In church you believe, here we know!" ;=)

TopGun said...

You made a clever analysis about Italy Johanna.

I have not enough elements about Sweden, even if it's a country I use to read about and that I love, to do a similar analysis.

But differences between Italy and Sweden are evident.

I have applied for a position in Malmo, I don't know if I'm ready for it, but if they accept my application, in future I could be able to discuss with you about Sweden situation on an more informed basis.

Good night.

p.s. thank you for being around here :)

Unknown said...

I hold my thumbs for you so you get the job (as we say in Sweden). What a wonderful experince it would be.

TopGun said...

we will see :)

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